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Optimizing Greenhouse Energy Use: Conservation Measures that are often Overlooked by Growers

As a greenhouse grower or manager, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities and allow the little items to get missed. When it comes to energy issues, these little items can really add up! Energy conservation has been a popular topic of conversation, but there are many aspects that are often overlooked by today’s growers.

Grand Opening of AAFC London Research Centre - A GGS/JGS Project

The Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) just opened a $10 million state-of-the-art research greenhouse facility in London Ontario, designed in part and built by JGS Limited, and manufactured by GGS. It is the newest addition to the Southern Crop Protection and Food Research Centre (SCPFRC). This research facility will greatly benefit growers, as the work done in this laboratory greenhouse is aimed at improving crop quality, productivity, and disease/insect resistance.

Can you Sell Like a Globetrotter?

We took our children to see the Harlem Globetrotters play on the weekend. Driving home, the 4 year old sound asleep from the excitement, the six year old recounting numerous entertaining moments; it occurred to me what a fabulous sales organization they are.

7 Spring Cleaning Tips for your Commercial Greenhouse Operation

During every busy shipping season you invariably run into issues that would have been eliminated had a little spring cleaning taken place. The spring cleaning referred to here encompasses more than just a “cleaning” perspective, it also involves planning ahead and taking care of business concerns so they don’t interfere with the busy season. Here are a few points you may want to consider before spring shipping rolls around:

7 Marketing “Must-Haves” for Your Retail Greenhouse, Garden Center & Nursery

Here at GGS, we are fortunate to have many employees on staff who, in their previous careers, operated greenhouses, garden centers/nurseries, and retail stores. This not only gives us some additional insight into what our customers expect from us, but also gives us access to knowledge about marketing in this space – what works and what doesn’t.


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