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Niagrow Greenhouse Pipe Paint is engineered exclusively for greenhouse applications and features additives that enable the coating to provide years of protection. The formulation resists the formation of rust, maintains its finish, and protects the heating system for years to come. Conventional enamel paints are not designed to handle the demanding conditions of a greenhouse environment. The higher humidity and temperature in a commercial greenhouse cause a conventional coatings to rust, lose its colour, and ultimately fail prematurely.
Niagrow Greenhouse Pipe Paint is the preferred solution of professional greenhouse growers all over North America.
Keeping your heating pipes in top condition will benefit you in the future. Rusty pipes radiate less heat by up to 10% compared to a new freshly painted pipe as the rust acts as an insulator allowing less heat to radiate into the greenhouse which in turn traps more heat in the pipes causing higher return temperatures. With the new condensing boilers or add on condensers, higher return temperatures will cause inefficient operation and waste energy dollars.
Place Your Greenhouse Paint Order Now
A gloss silicone modified alkyd enamel for greenhouse piping. This product contains optimum levels of anti corrosive additives which provides good rust control as well as direct to metal (DTM) application. This enamel dries to a durable, long lasting, heat resistant finish.
Surface Preparation
Bare pipe should be free of dirt, dust, grease, oil, and scale. A wiping with mineral spirits may be necessary to achieve this requirement. Previously painted pipe should also be free of loose or peeling paint.
Apply product as received with a paint mitten or a heavy nap roller. Elbows and unions may require brushing.
DTM Pipe Enamel
Generic Type: Modified Alkyd Enamel.
Colour: Bone White.
Sheen: Near high gloss, 80º sheen.
Dry Time: To touch and handle: 1-2 hours.
Dry hard: 8 hours.
Dry Type: Oxidation, temperature, relative humidity will affect rate of dry.
Film Thickness: Apply full coat around 3 mils wet.
Final film will be 1.5-2.0 mil dry.
Solids by weight: 60%
DTM Pipe Enamel
Technical Data
Generic Type: Modified Alkyd Enamel.
Colour: Bone White.
Sheen: Near high gloss, 80º sheen.
Dry Time: To touch and handle: 1-2 hours.
Dry hard: 8 hours.
Dry Type: Oxidation, temperature, relative humidity will affect rate of dry.
Film Thickness: Apply full coat around 3 mils wet.
Final film will be 1.5-2.0 mil dry.
Solids by weight: 60%
Revision: April, 2016
Information provided by MACPIPE.
The ratings and data contained herein are based on information obtained through experimental laboratory methods. They are offered in good faith, however without
guarantee to individual results, as the customer’s applications, requirements; conditions and methods of use are beyond our control. We recommend that the
customer determine the suitability of these materials before adopting them for its own use.