Our top priority is the quality of your plant environment. At GGS Structures, we are commercial greenhouse builders and designers with the end result in mind: A Quality Commercial Greenhouse Environment. We offer the highest-quality structures, including Cold Frame, High Tunnel, Freestanding Greenhouse, Venlo-Style Greenhouses, Wide-Span Greenhouses, Curved Glass Greenhouses for sale, and Poly Covered Greenhouses with Gutters.
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Project Description
Ideal for first-time floriculture, nursery, and produce growers, cold frame structures feature corrosion and rust-resistant steel arches. These structures are highly convenient, allowing for on-site building and can be easily attached to existing structures. Moreover, they allow the addition of multiple covering materials.
- Coldframes constructed of high quality steel arches to provide long lasting protection from rust and corrosion
- Easy to build on-site and add-on sections are available to extend their length
- A coldframe is an excellent structure for the first time grower as well as large scale nursery production
- Can be covered with a variety of poly coverings and shade cloths
- Standard widths: 18’, 20’. For larger widths, see our Freestanding Greenhouses
- Arches on 4’ Centers
- Anchor posts, or flat bottom brackets
- Single piece quonset arches or two piece gothic arches
- 3 runs of purlins
- 3 piece arch design
- Full set of construction blueprints and material list breakdown for construction