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Considering installing energy curtains in your greenhouse for the spring and summer? Here’s why you should

Rising energy and production costs in commercial greenhouses means that more than ever, growers need to do all they can to operate more efficiently. One way growers are doing this is by installing energy curtain systems in their greenhouses.

4 Key Differences between a Commercial Cannabis Greenhouse and an Ornamental Greenhouse

When the legal industry began to emerge, indoor cannabis grow facilities were considered ideal for optimal growing because of the ability to control the environment entirely. However, the industry is seeing a steady decline in cannabis prices so it’s becoming increasingly expensive to operate an indoor grow facility. As such, more and more growers are turning to greenhouse structures for their cannabis grow operation.

energy efficient greenhouse

How Retrofitting an Older Greenhouse Can Solve Big Problems

Structure maintenance and planning involves more than just new construction projects and a focus on expansion.  Often the best dollar value for a grower is in retrofitting and modernizing existing greenhouse structures.

Here is a list of potential solutions to common problems that greenhouse growers can resolve by improving existing structures:

healthy tomatoes

Locally sourced greenhouse tomatoes will be used in North American Wendy’s

Earlier this summer, Wendy’s made an exciting announcement that’s sure to boost business for a lot of growers in North America. The popular restaurant chain will be sourcing vine-ripened, greenhouse grown tomatoes from across North America to use in their products moving forward, mostly in their Canadian and U.S. restaurants to start.

With quality and freshness top of mind in Wendy’s decision, the decision is sure to benefit the restaurant’s customers and North American commercial tomato farming alike.

5 Advantages of Energy Curtains Not to Miss

When it comes to adding energy curtains (sometimes referred to as thermal blankets) to a greenhouse everyone focuses on energy savings. And certainly energy savings should be a major factor in any greenhouse grower’s decision to purchase energy curtains. In northern climates, winter growing adds expensive heating costs to the most diligent greenhouse operation. A well designed and properly installed energy curtain can reduce winter heating bills by up to 50% and in some cases more.


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