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17 Reasons You're Not Getting the Most out of Your Greenhouse Curtains

Curtain systems are an integral part of climate control for many greenhouse growers, yet there are still numerous greenhouses not using this valuable tool effectively, or even at all. The main function of greenhouse curtains are shading and energy savings, however a good curtain can be valuable for controlling the greenhouse environment in other ways as well.

The Great Marijuana Greenhouse Debate

Retrofit existing greenhouses or is it better to purpose build greenhouses for marijuana growing.?

Just before the election I read an article about California pot growers paying millions of dollars for old greenhouses in the Salinas Valley. After the results of the US marijuana elections greenhouse property values are likely increasing in eastern states like Massachusetts and Maine as much as they are in the West.

Veteran on the Canadian Ten Dollar Bill

In remembrance of those who fought for our freedom.

If you look at the back right-hand side of a Canadian $10 bill, you will see an old veteran standing at attention near the Ottawa war memorial. His name is Robert Metcalfe and he died last month at the age of 90.

That he managed to live to that age is rather remarkable, given what happened in the Second World War. Born in England , he was one of the 400,000 members of the British Expeditionary Force sent to the mainland where they found themselves facing the new German warfare technique – the Blitzkrieg.

Best Practices for Commercial Greenhouse Construction Projects

Whether you are building a single hoop house or building a ten hectare greenhouse range, new greenhouse construction is part of building your growing business. For many growers the construction process is exciting full of anticipation as you watch your dreams becoming a reality. For other growers, greenhouse construction brings on a feeling of anxiety as personal and corporate resources must be directed to an area of the business they are less familiar with.

Choosing the Right Lighting for Your Greenhouse

As autumn approaches supplemental lighting for greenhouse growers becomes more and more important to the health and yield of your crops. Now is the perfect time to look at a few options for lighting. Whether you decide to go all out with a new LED system, stick with tried and true HPS lights or make some efficiency upgrades to your current crop lighting, take a look at the benefits of your greenhouse lighting options.

Are You Ready for Halloween! 10 Ideas for Garden Centers to Get Creative

Pumpkin display.

In the UK where I am from, Halloween, a relatively new holiday, is already the third biggest retail event, right behind Christmas and Easter. It surpassed Valentines Day in 2014. In North America, Halloween has a long standing tradition of consumer spending with approximately two thirds of Americans spending around $7 billion annually.

The 10 Most Common Misconceptions About Growing Cannabis in Greenhouses

As the cannabis industry continues to gain legal status around the world more and more cannabis growers are learning about commercial scale horticultural production techniques, and of course, that means greenhouse growing. Anxious to grab a piece of the hottest industry of our generation, many consultants have jumped into the picture claiming to be manufacturers and greenhouse experts. Unfortunately these groups are not always well informed and often perpetuate wrong thinking.

Here are the 10 most frequent misconceptions we hear being told to cannabis growers looking to move to greenhouse growing.


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